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The objective of this group project is to re-imagine and design for the site that the group was assigned. We were assigned to redesign a community space, which included a playground, massage stones and a badminton court.


Our design concept was to create a multi-generational park that provides activities for all age groups. Instead of segregating areas for different activities, we intend to blur the playground boundaries. 

Through parent-child relationships we believe that play = fitness. By creating a multilevel terrain that slopes up and down the site with activities at each corner, children have a space to explore and project their imagination into the world. 

As the ground transforms into hills, they also serve as shelters, allowing paths to intersect on different planes. 

Building blocks and ambiguous markers spread across the site’s open areas encourage and initiate many different activities that is up to the imagination and creativity of the users. The multi-usability allows anyone of any age to be engaged and stay active throughout the site.


Neighborhood Space


53 Sims Place


July 2021

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